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The Recipe To A Perfect Day

Some weeks the meaningless, boring days seem to just drag by as we finish up the school year. But other days, the day seems to just fall together perfectly and nothing goes wrong. You can make those perfect days happen every day, it’s all up to you. If you can think positive and have the mindset that your day will be great, it really will be! There are so many things that could go wrong, but you can’t let them bother you. No matter how stressful your week may be, pick a day to make sure everything goes right, it’s all up to you.


Early morning: start the day by waking up a little earlier. You don’t have to get out of bed, just relax for a few minutes and get ready for your great day ahead. Decide what you want to do that day, and how you’re going to act. Maybe read a chapter or two of a book, or watch something to get you fully woken up and refreshed.

Getting dressed: pick out an outfit that you love. Make sure you feel great in it. It should be comfortable and confident. When you do your hair, pick your favorite style, or try something new and stick with it.

Breakfast: make yourself a fancy breakfast. Don’t just eat cereal, (unless that’s what you really want) have an omelet, a biscuit, pancakes, a mug cake, or something delicious.

Lunch: make your lunch special too. Have lots of fresh foods and delicious options available. Include a delicious dessert. When you make your water bottle, add a drink mixture or some fruit to make it taste extra refreshing.

Throughout the day: as you go through your classes, have a positive attitude. Don’t let anything get you too stressed out. Talk to your friends, have a cheerful and uplifting attitude, and be confident. Talk about summer or spring break plans to do with your friends, have things to look forward to. This can also really influence the attitudes of others around you. Be positive that you can get all of your homework done, just calm down and enjoy the day to the fullest.

After school: if you can drive, maybe go get yourself a delicious after school snack, or meet some friends to do something together. It can be a study group at a coffee shop, or grabbing a milkshake from Sonic. Try to make the most of your time, then head home for homework.

Homework: if you don’t have any, that makes the day even more perfect, but if you do, don’t stress! Have a list of everything you need to get done, and make a sort of schedule for yourself. Grab a healthy snack if you’re hungry, and sit down to get ready to work. Put some music on, if that can help you focus, and start on your first subject. Take mini breaks every fifteen or twenty minutes. Browse social media, take a walk outside, or play with your dog. It doesn’t have to be all studying. Just get it over with early so you’ll be done!

Night: Have a great supper, spend time with family, and you don’t have to worry about any other homework! After you’re done with supper, relax at night. Read, watch something, play a game with siblings, or spend time outside in the warmer air. You can always end the day with a  few bible verses, and pray for another great day tomorrow. Get good sleep so you can finish out your week refreshed!

I know most days probably won’t end up like that. There will always be something going on- way too much homework, your favorite clothes are dirty or there’s no food in the pantry. Even when things like that happen, it doesn’t have to ruin your day. You get to decide how you act, which is the only thing that matters. If you think and want to have a positive day, then do it! Make the best out of everyday. We’ve got to stop waiting for the weekend to get here, or for an event to happen or for a trip to come. Just make the best of now and live life to the fullest every day. Get ready to make tomorrow a perfect day!

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