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2021 goals + intentions

I absolutely love goal setting and setting new intentions, wether it be for a new year, week, or even just intentions for the day. It’s not that I always follow through with my resolutions or change my life every time I try a new habit, but there is something so motivating about sitting down and brainstorming new goals. I know this is a little late, seeing as we’re already 15 days into January, but it’s honestly been good for me to revisit my goals that I made a couple of weeks ago and check in on my progress. This is something I need to get better at: keeping myself accountable for my goals and reminding myself of my goals throughout the year, not just in January. Maybe this will serve as a little reminder to check in on your goals too!

So for my goals this year I decided to break them down into different categories: fitness, health, brand, and personal. Because I love finding new goals and ideas to improve, I often make a huge list of all these things I want to change, which I’ve realized isn’t realistic. If I set too many goals and think of every little thing I want to change, I get too overwhelmed and don’t end up making much progress. This year, I tried to only pick a few main goals in each category so I can focus on just those few instead of a long list of things I won’t actually get done.

I won’t go into full detail on every single goal, but as an overview:

FITNESS // I know a lot of people’s goals is to workout more or go to x amount of workout classes or go to the gym this much, etc. For me, fitness has been a huge part of my life since high school, and I’m happy that I’ve stayed consistent with it. For my fitness goal this year, I want to find a routine that really works for me and have a plan of workouts for each day of the week. This will help me stay motivated and disciplined since I already have it written down for myself to do. I also want to do more pilates workouts and go on more long walks! I’m learning that not every workout has to leave me huffing for air or drenched in sweat, I can still move my body in other ways that feel just as good :).

HEALTH // This year, I want to focus on eating to feel good. Foods that will make me feel energized and happy, not processed or artificial foods that I know I’ll regret later. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean I won’t have treats, but I’m learning what foods sit well with me and what foods bother my stomach. I want to focus on eating plant over processed, whole foods with nutrients instead of artificial sugars or super processed snacks. I had lots of time to cook and test new recipes over winter break, and I want to continue with that back at school and continue to add new meals to my weekly rotation!

BRAND // I feel like I have so many ideas and spurts of inspiration for ways to improve my “brand”, but this year I really want to take action on them. I have so many creative outlets: my instagram, youtube channel, podcast, and of course, my blog, but I really want to try to grow them into something I’m truly proud of. It’s going to take work and consistency, but I would love to step up my instagram game and post more consistently on my platforms. I also have a little bracelet business that I started last fall, and I would love to make more money off of that and turn it into a more profitable business!

PERSONAL // Besides my health and business goals, I want to really focus on bettering myself and my mental health in 2021 as well. My faith grew so much last year, and I’m looking forward to spending more time in the word and really diving deeper in my relationship with Christ. I’m committing to reading at least one faith based book each month, and I can’t wait to start checking books off my reading list! As I’m getting older, I also want to learn how to better manage my money and create a budget for myself. I’m not a crazy spender by any means, but I think learning how to save my money is going to be a useful skill that I can carry through the rest of my life! Finally, I want to be less focused on myself and try to be a better friend to others. I can get so overwhelmed and caught up in overthinking sometimes. I’ve learned that all I can really focus on is loving people like Jesus would and finding my identity in Him instead of worrying so much about their view of me.

Finally, my word of the year: present. I had so many different ideas for my word to focus on and this kept coming to mind. I want to be present this year: in school, at work, in my conversations with friends, with my family, walking outside, during my devotions, everything. I want to stop rushing through life looking forward to the next big thing and find the goodness in each day.

I’d love to hear some of your 2021 goals as well! I know it can be hard to stay motivated sometimes, but every day is a fresh start and a new chance to make some progress, no matter how small!

xoxo, Addie

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