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The Friday Five

Finally. We’re done with this busy week and I couldn’t be happier. Did this week seem unusually long for anyone else? Maybe it was because I got used to the short week last week from Labor day, but this week seemed to drag by. I was extremely busy all week with cross country, school, and babysitting. This weekend, I have a cross country meet most of the day Saturday, and then Sunday I’m probably going to see a movie and hang out with a friend. Desperately trying to get all my homework done by tonight so I don’t have any homework over the weekend!

ONE // I am seriously so excited about fall. I can just image in it now, cozying up with a blanket and a movie and some yummy food and apple cider. Earlier this week I posted my favorite things about fall, have you seen it?

TWO // I usually hate scary movies, in fact I’ve never seen a single one. I get scared really easily, but ever since I heard about the movie “It”, I really want to see it! It looks super scary but I’ve also heard it’s really funny and the kids in it are good actors. Let me know if you’ve seen it and liked it!

THREE // I’ve been reading through The Green Letters recently and I really live it so far! It’s definitely a bit deeper of a book, but I’ve gotten so much out of it. It has so many important truths and I’d definitely recommend it.

FOUR // I loved Fran’s post about outfits to try and recreate this fall! I love to think about all the cozy sweaters and jeans and fall fashion, and Fran found some great picks for three different outfits.

FIVE // Like I mentioned earlier, I have a cross country meet this weekend, but I have really been having side stitches every time I run during training. Have any of you ever had this problem? I’ve tried stretching, pushing on the area, deep breathing, even eating a banana the day I ran, but nothing has worked so far!

What are your weekend plans? Let me know below!

xoxo, Addie

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