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The Benefits of Lemon Water

Hello everyone! Today’s post is about one of my new finds: lemon water. Of course I’ve heard of it before, but I never really drank it until just recently. I really want to make a habit of drinking it every morning to start my day. I’ve heard that it’s really beneficial and has so many rejuvenating qualities! One of my main things I want to start doing is having a cup of lemon water by my bed or in my bathroom. That way, when I wake up in the morning, I can go ahead and start my day with a fresh cup of it! I also have found some fun ways to drink it throughout the day, even when I’m at school and am not at the place I can go cut up a lemon ;). Keep reading for more tips!

lemon water

I’ve heard lots of different benefits of lemon water, too many to name. But the top five things I’ve heard about lemon water are:

Fights cancer cells

Increases metabolism which promotes weight loss

Can improve eyesight

Helps your skin become more radiant and glowing

Improves immune system

There are a few different ways that you can incorporate lemon water throughout your day. Like I said earlier, it’s best to start each day with a fresh glass of it. It wakes you up and gets your metabolism going. Then, try drinking it throughout the day while at school! What I like to do is take an ice cube tray and fill it up with lemon juice, either bought from the store or squeezed fresh from the lemon and freeze it. Then I make a glass of water or fill up my water bottle and add those! It doubles as an ice cube and also a lemon source. Another thing you can do is squeeze juice straight from the lemon into your water, or cut up slices to leave in your water throughout the day!

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you try any of these tips!

xoxo, Addie

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