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summer 2020 bucket list

It’s officially my favorite season and the best time of year- happy summer! I know it’s already halfway through June, but I wanted to share a little summer bucket list I put together a couple of weeks ago. I love making a bucket list every year to give me ideas of stuff to do so I’m not just sitting around my house all day. Of course, I never actually get everything on my list done, but it’s fun to brainstorm ideas and try to have a carefree summer! This summer is definitely different than ones in the past, with corona and all the craziness going on.  My original summer plans got canceled, so I’ve been spending most days working at a local boutique or reading at the pool. I do have a few fun trips sprinkled throughout the summer tho, and I’m really looking forward to making the most of it!

A lot of these are similar to things from my last summer bucket list, but some are new ideas that I thought would be simple but fun! I just really want to take advantage of this season and time away from school and not feel like I wasted my summer by the end of August. I feel like it’s so easy to let the summer days pass me by, waiting for the next trip or the next big thing, but I want to try to find the good in every day and plan something fun for each week. A lot of these things on the list are really simple, but I feel like they could be fun to do with friends for an afternoon!

As for my other plans this summer, I’ll mainly be working at a local boutique here in Oxford that I’ve worked at since high school. I was supposed to work at a summer camp, which got canceled because of the virus, but I love my boutique job and all the girls that I work with. It gets me out of the house and I have an excuse to dress up for a few hours, haha. Other than that, I’ll mainly be chilling at the pool, reading, going on runs, and hanging out with friends. I’m going on a few trips in the next few months too! This Saturday, I’m actually going to Orange Beach with my family and grandmother, which should be super fun. In July, I’ll be going to Hilton Head, SC with my sister and some family friends, and then I’m also going to Pensacola with some friends from college for a few days in late July. Summer is flying by, and it’ll be time for sophomore year before I know it, so I’m excited to make this summer the best one yet!


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