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Simple Avocado Toast Recipe

Hello everyone! I’m so sorry that I haven’t been posting as much anymore, since I’m out for summer vacation I haven’t been able to sit down and write! Recently, I’ve been really loving avocados and I’ve been coming up with some great recipes incorporating them. Avocados are really healthy for you and they provide so many health benefits for you body and skin. A few of my favorite ways to use them: crush into guacamole with multigrain chips, slice like apple slices and eat plain, or put it on toast! Today’s post is about a really easy and delicious way to make avocado toast!

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One// So the first thing you do is put your bread in the oven to toast it for a few minutes. The healthiest option is 100% whole wheat bread, but I also like honey wheat and multi grain bread too. You can add a tiny bit of butter to add flavor, but I never do and it tastes fine! Just put your bread in the oven at 350 and leave it in for about 7-10 mins, until you see a golden brown color on it.

Two// While your bread is toasting in the oven, it’s time to get your avocados ready! Take one medium sized avocado and cut it in half and remove the seed. Scoop the avocado into a bowl. Use a knife or the side of a spoon to chop it up into smaller pieces. Then, get either some lemon or lime juice and squirt about a half a tablespoon of juice into the bowl. This measurement can definitely be changed, depending on how big your avocado or how much juice you want, but this is about how much I put in mine. Now take the bottom of your spoon and start mashing it all together until it is one creamy bowl of delicious avocado!

Three// Leave the avocado in the refrigerator until the toast is ready to come out of the oven. Then just take a knife, spread the avocado onto the warm toast, and shake a bit of salt and pepper on the avocado to complete the meal! That’s a really simple recipe, but there are other things you can use to add some more flavors to your toast. A few suggestions: you can fry an egg and lay it on top of the toast, slice up a small tomato to add a juicy texture, or fry some bacon and have a bit of extra crunch!

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed! Avocados are so good and so good for you, and this is a really simple but delicious recipe!

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