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november goals + plans

I seriously can’t believe it’s November. October flew by, and I only have 17 more days left of school until I go home for the semester! I love fall and definitely got excited about the cooler weather and pumpkins, but when November hits I feel like my brain switches to Christmas mode. I already have been playing my Christmas playlist and working on my wishlist… too early? Haha, it puts me in a good mood, so no judgement here. I’m really looking forward to November and getting really motivated about achieving some of my goals. I feel like I’ve kind of gotten off my routine recently: not eating the best or working out as much, too much time on my phone, and rushing through my devotions instead of really being intentional with my time. Today I’m sharing some of my November goals and things I’m looking forward to for this month!

A lot of these are health/fitness related, because I feel like I really got off my game towards the end of last month. It was hard going from a consistent routine over the summer to trying to figure out where to fit in my workouts with my class schedule and other obligations, plus learning how to cook for myself and prepare meals that actually require some effort, haha. I’m trying to make more time for cooking and prepping meals for the week, and really be intentional about what I put into my body. I’m also going to try and follow this youtube workout plan with my sister. I like that it already has the workouts planned out for you each day and has rest days on the weekends!

Another main thing for me is screen time and reading. I go in waves with both of these, and I definitely notice that when I’ve been on my phone for too long, it takes a toll on me. I have so many books I want to read, and I just haven’t been taking enough time for it. I know I’ll definitely get lots of books checked off my list after school though, so I’m excited about it! Drop book recs down below!

Overall, my main goal is to be mindful. To slow down and notice my daily life: am I eating what fuels me? Am I spending my time wisely? Am I being intentional with the people around me? I’m really trying to stay intentional this month, so that makes me excited.

I have a pretty busy month ahead, especially with school. I have three weeks left, so finals and tests and projects are on the horizon. I just have to push through, then it’ll be Christmas season! We used to never set up our tree until after Thanksgiving, but this year I think we’re setting it up as soon as I come home, on November 20th. I’m so excited! People are already asking me what I want, so I’ve been trying to come up with a list. But I love shopping for others and getting gifts for my friends/family too. It’s so fun to try to come up with the perfect gift for each person. I’m also going to be working a lot, hopefully reading, and spending time with family!

Here’s to a good month ahead!


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