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My Fall Reading List

fall reading list

Back in the summer, I read nonstop. It was like I forgot how much I loved it and couldn’t get enough. I was always at the pool working on some summer read I found at the library. Now that school has started back, I rarely have time to read. I hate that, but I definitely want to try and make time for it more throughout my week. I was thinking the other day: I spend countless minutes wasted on my phone looking at random things when I could be spending 30 minutes a day reading! I went to a local bookstore this past weekend and found so many new books I want to read soon, I can’t wait to start!

fall reading list

I’m really interested in the new John Green book, Turtles All The Way Down. I’ve read some reviews and it looks really good. I also want to read What To Say Next, because I’ve read another book by the same author and loved it, so hopefully this one is just as good. I’ll Give You the Sun has been on my to-read list since this spring, but I’ve just never gotten around to reading it, even though it looks super interesting!

What’s on your to-read list? Any book suggestions?

xoxo, Addie

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