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February Recap

It literally felt like I was just sitting down to write my January Recap, and here we are almost a month later with February under our belts! It’s crazy, those two extra days February is missing makes it seem like it goes by so much faster. February summed up in one word would probably be: chill. It was a really relaxed month- not a huge load of schoolwork, slow shifts at work, and lots of cozy nights at home. I didn’t get as many of my February Goals done as I’d hoped, but it just makes me more motivated for next month!

Reading // I won’t go too much into this, because I just wrote a super long post about it, but I read a lot this month! I think my favorite one I read was probably Two Can Keep a Secretit was a really intriguing mystery/contemporary book. Other than books, I’ve also been into reading blogs. A few of my favorites: Isabella Darden, Refinery 29, and The Odyssey Online. I loved Isabella’s post about tips for getting a job after college; it may seem like a long way away for me but it’s never too early to start preparing! Refinery 29 has a variety of lifestyle posts, I especially love reading the Money Diaries from people in different states. The Odyssey Online is another lifestyle site with actual college students contributing to the posts. I love reading about the Mississippi State posts to get tips and ideas about what college life is like there.

Eating // I’ve really gotten into experimenting with new recipes recently and I’ve added a few favorites to my weekly rotation. I’d tried almond butter a few times before this month, but this month I got a full jar of it and I’m so obsessed. It’s so good, I may even like it better than peanut butter. I love making smoothie bowls topped with lots of granola and almond butter; they’re the perfect meals for after a long run. I’ve also been making lots of berry-banana muffins and topping them with pb/almond butter and melty chocolate chips. I recently found this recipe for coconut flour waffles and they are amazing. I got a mini waffle maker for Christmas and love using it for these! My last recipe I just tried for the first time, and I can’t wait to eat it again: mixed berry oatmeal. I saw a similar recipe somewhere but added my own twist to it. Microwave your quick oats with some almond milk and a scoop of frozen blueberries. While the bowl is still hot, stir in some vanilla extract, vanilla protein powder, cinnamon, and honey. I like to top it with granola, blackberry jam, and almond butter.

Listening // My February playlist was severely lacking this month, sad to say. I kept looking for new music but never really found many good ones. My favorite song from the month was I’m So Tired by Lauv, I listened to it nonstop. Besides music, I got into Just a Tip podcast with Megan Batoon. I love the tip jar episodes where Megan and her assistant Irene chat and give advice to people who write in with their questions. Another totally random thing I’ve been listening to: Harry Potter ambient sounds. I came across this site of ambient sounds that go along with a theme, such as “Slytherin Common Room” or “Hogwarts Grounds in the Summer“. I listened to those in the background for a few days while studying or cleaning. Then I found something even better: a mix of the ambient sounds and instrumental Harry Potter music! There are so many Youtube videos with different sounds and themes, but my favorite is probably “Rainy Night at Hogwarts”. I probably sound like a crazy Harry Potter fan, but it’s just so calming and relaxing!

Buying // I don’t think I’ve bought any clothes or shoes this month, which is definitely a good thing. To be honest, most of my spending this month has been on kombucha! It’s so good, I can’t stop drinking it. My favorite flavor used to be Trilogy, but I recently tried the Gingerberry flavor and it may be tied for first place now! It tastes amazing and really helps settle my stomach if it’s ever feeling weird. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive :/

Exercising // Track is back! I’ve mentioned this in previous posts, but I couldn’t be happier that I’m back to running with my track team. It’s definitely different from cross country, because we do fewer long runs and more sprint workouts. Either way, running just makes me feel so happy and energized. It makes it even better that it’s finally starting to warm up so our runs are sunny and warm! I’ve also done 300 crunches every day of February. I did this back in January and at first it was tough to make myself take time for ab workout, but now it’s almost become a habit. Now I want to see how many days I can make it without breaking my streak.

Wearing // I got two pairs of these leggings for Christmas and I don’t know how I went half the winter without them. They are amazing, I highly recommend picking up a pair. They feel like Lululemon aligns for just a fraction of the price. I love that they are high waisted too, adds to the comfort. Throwing on leggings and pairing it with a big hoodie has been the perfect cozy outfit for days when I don’t have work.

Another month has come and gone! I feel like things will really start to pick up in March: I have my first track meet this weekend, Spring Break is only a week away, and I plan to make a couple of trips to Starkville to visit MSU. What were your favorites of the month?

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