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Weekly Wrapup #2

I meant to post this Saturday, but got super busy and didn’t have time to write it until just now! If you remember my last weekly wrapup, I said I wanted to start writing this to sum up my week and update on fun things going on in my life. I feel like my past few weeks have been pretty boring and unusual, but this past week was a good one, with lots of updates I wanted to share!

This week was my first full week back at track practice, and I can’t even explain how happy I am to be back. Soccer season was long, cold, and honestly not very fun, so all I’ve been looking forward to the past few weeks is getting back to running. I can’t describe it, just my team, coach, and running itself instantly put me in a much better mood. I look forward to practice every day, and we have our first meet in about two weeks. Now all I need is for it to actually be sunny at practice- it rained almost every day last week and it’s supposed to rain every day this week too :/

I’ve also been so into reading this week. It was one of my 2019 goals to read more, and while I did read a few books in January, I feel like I was almost making myself take time to read. But this month I’ve been reading nonstop. I finished 2 books this week alone, and I’m almost done with a third one! I just read The Vanishing Stair, the second book to this super good mystery series, and I can’t wait for the next one to come out. I looked it up to see when the possible release date is…2020. What should I read next?

As far as devotions go, I’ve been reading my usual 100 Days to Brave devo every morning, but this week I’ve also been reading through Romans and trying to break it down and really understand it. What has helped me is reading the regular bible version first, and then going back and reading the Message version and follow along with both translations. I’ve found that I could get nothing out of a chapter the first time, but after reading the Message version, 2-3 more verses stuck out to me!

I’m always on the hunt for new healthy recipes, and earlier this week I saw this simple one for 3 ingredient muffins. At first I was wary of it, because I didn’t think it would actually taste good. It literally only takes bananas, eggs, and berries, but let me tell you, they are so so good! I’ve made them three times this week alone. My favorite way to make them is to heat them up in the microwave with a scoop of peanut butter and a few chocolate chips. So yummy, and healthy too!

The last thing to sum up the week is that I think I’ve finally made my college decision! I’m like 99.6% sure I’m going to go to Mississippi State in the fall, and I’m getting so excited! This week, god opened so many doors and everything just started falling into place. Monday I got a random letter saying I was chosen for an extra scholarship for next year, which helped a lot with tuition costs. I also got an email saying that this week only, housing was just $35 to apply instead of the usual $75, which was perfect timing after I had already gotten that scholarship letter! I’m rooming with one of my friends from high school who also just decided on state, and we are already starting to plan our dorm and get decor ideas! It hasn’t really hit me that I finally know where I’m going. I feel like I’ve said “I don’t know” dozens of times the past few months when people would ask where I’m going. Almost all my friends have already decided, and I felt like I could never choose! But this week everything just fell into place, and I couldn’t be more excited!

Here’s to another busy week! Thanks for reading!

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