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The Friday Five

Wow, it’s been another crazy week. It seems as if I just get busier and busier! This week I’ve had so many tests and quizzes and I’m really happy it’s finally Friday!  This weekend, I have my first cross country meet of the season! It’s in Memphis, TN, and it’s a night meet. We run at about 8 pm, so thankfully it won’t be so hot out by that time. I’m super nervous but also really excited! I was in a boot all summer so I wasn’t able to run much, so I’ve been just getting back into training. I’m glad I can start running again! This week I found some super fun links, read on to learn more!

friday five

One// How to Make an Idea Become a Reality: This post was really inspiring about how to stop skirting around the what-ifs of your idea and just go for it!

Two// Breakfast Muffins: I saw this recipe while browsing Pinterest earlier this week and I want to try it this weekend! They don’t look too difficult to put together, and probably aren’t too bad for you since they have bananas and oats!

Three// How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep: This post was really helpful and I’m definitely going to try these tips for when I can’t get to sleep or seem to get enough rest. I’ve never heard of the last tip of the post, but I really want to try it!

Four// Fruit Water on the Go: By now I’m sure you’ve heard about how much I like fruit water and how beneficial it is, and I loved reading this post about fun recipes and these cute water bottles!

Five// 100 Classic Books Scratch Off Poster: This poster is so cool- it has 100 classic, must read books and each little book is covered in gold foil. Whenever you read one of the books, scratch off the foil to reveal a cute book cover!

Wish me luck in my meet, and happy (almost) weekend!

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