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Ten Things To Do This Summer

I am so excited for summer. I get really excited just by looking at pictures from the beach or thinking of my summer plans. I’m just ready to be out of school. There are so many things I love about summer. It’s hot, no school, tan skin, and there is so much stuff to do! This summer I already know that I am going to camp and probably the beach. My family always gets a membership to a local pool, so that will be fun too. Lately I’ve been thinking of more great things to do this summer and I can’t wait! I’m probably just torturing myself even more by writing this post, but I am just really looking forward to summer- only about three more months until freedom!

  1. Go to camp. There are so many fun camps out there, and they can make your summer a blast! I’ve only ever gone to Camp Lake Stephens, but I’ve also heard that Camp Desoto, Southwind, Camp Hopewell, Twin Lakes, and Camp Ozark are really fun. It’s a fun way to get away from home and be around kids your age for a few weeks. It’s even more fun to go with a friend you already know!

  2. Find a pool to go to. Whether you have a membership to a local pool, know a friend with a pool, or you have a pool yourself, pools are great. They keep you cool on scorching hot days, there are so many fun pool games, and you can get exercise by swimming. I love going to the pool, since we have a membership to one only about 5 minutes away from my house.

  3. Have a lake day. Lake days are always so fun. There are so many things to do at the lake, and the water keeps you cool all day long. You can go inner tubing, you could kayak or canoe, play volleyball, or have a cookout. Invite a bunch of friends to have a lake day together this summer.

  4. Make a snack to keep you cool. Baking is always fun. It can give you a break from the heat while you’re inside, and if you make a cold snack, you can really beat the heat. Try freezing grapes, making a smoothie, or apple juice popsicles. An easy way to make a popsicle is slicing a watermelon, adding popsicle sticks, then freezing the slices.

  5. Go on a shopping trip. Find a group of friends who will go out with you for a day. In my town we have the Oxford Square with lots of shops and restaurants. It’ll be great weather to walk around and you can find some new clothes for the hot season!

  6. Volunteer at a dog shelter. If you’re really bored, look for ways to help out in your town. One of the most enjoyable ways to do this is to volunteer at a pound or animal shelter. Walk the dogs, hang out with them and train them, and make sure they are getting attention. The dogs will love it!

  7. Start a good book or book series this summer. With a great book, you’ll never get bored! You can read while sitting out by the pool, on long road trips to a vacation spot, or while taking advantage of late nights. There are so many great books to read, so find some to last you the whole summer!

  8. See a movie. If the weather just becomes unbearably hot outside, find a movie to watch with friends. The cool movie theater and the great film will keep you occupied on a lazy summer day. Alice Through the Looking Glass, Finding Dory, Independence Day: Resurgence, and the Secret Life of Pets are all coming out this summer.

  9. Have a barbecue or a cookout. Invite some friends over, put some meat on the grill, and enjoy summer with a cookout! It’s always fun to bring friends together, and the delicious food is definitely a plus! Have some games or a pool ready for the party!

  10. Go to a water park or an amusement park. Water parks are great because you can stay cool while having fun. But there are always fun amusement parks or zoos to go to! The Memphis Zoo is fun to go to, as long as you go in the right weather. Otherwise it’s a miserable trip through the hot sun.

Writing all of those things just makes me even more eager for summer to get here! I can’t wait to try some of these things out and have so much fun this summer! There are so many things I’m looking forward too, and my birthday is in the summer as well. If only it would get here sooner! What is your favorite thing to do in the summer? Comment below!

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