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State Championship Soccer Game

Last Saturday my team played in the state championship for Class 5A soccer. And for the first time in school history, the Lady Chargers won! It was so exciting to see how happy everyone was. Although I didn’t play myself, I got so wrapped up in the game and was so focused on it. We won 2-1, so it was really close. We scored in the last five minutes to break the tie. It was so amazing to see the seniors that night. They had been trying to win a state championship since the seventh or eighth grade, and we finally did it. That night, everyone was so excited and I don’t think anything could have made that trip better.

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That morning, the team met up and Chic-Fil-A sponsored our breakfast. We all got free chicken minis, biscuits, and fruit cups. The charter bus was huge, and it was decorated with banners and flags and pom moms and soccer balls. We had so much fun on the ride over there. Then, we found out our lunch was sponsored too! The team ate at McAllister’s Deli. After lunch, we went to an empty football field to kick around and get loose before we started our warmup. The weather was perfect, and it was nice to relax for a while. Finally, it was time to warmup for the game. By the time the game started, everyone was so nervous! But we were overjoyed when we won! Never in school history have the Lady Chargers won a state championship. It was such an amazing feeling!

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