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Spring 2020 Morning Routine

Let’s just start off by saying this is definitely my ideal morning routine, but I definitely don’t stick with it every day. However, it’s always motivating for me to write out my morning routine and get inspired to follow my “dream morning routine” if you will. Since everyone is at home right now and colleges have closed because of the corona virus, my classes are now all online and I’ve had to make a new schedule for myself. It’s definitely harder to stay productive when I’m not required to go to certain classes at certain times, and I’m often tempted to spend the day on Netflix or chilling at home. But let me tell you- online classes are NOT easy. I thought it would be a lot easier than regular classes, but it’s actually a lot more work than I thought it would be. Keeping a consistent morning routine is key for me to start the day with a productive mindset and get everything done!

A few key things off my morning routine:

drink a glass of water // I always start off my day with water. It’s weird to think that I never used to do this, but I’ve done this for over a year now and I can’t imagine not drinking water before breakfast. I always wake up super thirsty, and a big glass of water helps me kickstart my day.

devotion and prayer time // One of my goals for 2020 was to stay more consistent with my devotions, and I’ve read the bible every day of the year so far! I’ve been reading through the bible chronologically with a plan I’m doing with my mom, and I’ve also been reading in my favorite devotional, New Morning Mercies. Now that I have more time in the mornings, it’s been so nice to read and journal and pray before I start on my busy to do list.

make bed/tidy room // I’m back home in my high school bedroom, and we actually redid it a bit over winter break, so it’s updated with new artwork, wall color, and other random decor. I also brought all my dorm stuff back so I added some of the pillows and stuff from my dorm to my room here! I love having a tidy room and it helps me stay motivated when I have a clean space.

ten minute ab workout // This is definitely the part of my routine that I don’t always do, haha. I really want to get into a routine of doing my ab workout in the morning, but sometimes I get lazy and end up doing it later in the afternoon. I’ve done a few different ab workouts, but my favorite one is the Alexis Ren 10 Minute Ab Routine. I’ve been doing it almost every day, and I’ve definitely seen results!

wear a cute outfit // If I stay in a t-shirt or my pajamas all day, I feel so much less productive and it’s easy to get lazy. I find that whenever I put on a cute outfit, even if it’s just a graphic tee and jeans, I’m more motivated to tackle my to do list and get out of bed.

make a to do list for the day // I HAVE to have a planner or to do list when I’m trying to get stuff done. It helps me so much to write everything down, and there’s no better feeling than crossing off things from your list. I go through a list of every subject and make sure I’m ahead on all the schoolwork I need to do for the day, then I’ll go through more fun or personal tasks like editing, reading, journaling, working out, etc. I have a agenda and I love it!

Hope you enjoyed my little spring morning routine! Hope this gives you a little motivation to get after your goals during quarantine!

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