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September Goals

Hi everyone, long time no post! I really didn’t mean to, but I realized I didn’t post at all the whole month of August. It was a reallyyyyy busy month for me, between my last two weeks of summer juggling work and prepping to move in, then starting my sophomore year of college and trying to get in a good routine to balance my schoolwork. I hate being inconsistent, whether it’s on my blog, instagram, or youtube channel, but it can be so hard to balance it all while also doing schoolwork and taking time to read and unplug, as well. Anyway, I have been really excited for the month of September and I thought I would share my ten goals for the month! Even though it’s still sooo hot outside, September signals the start of fall for me, which I’m so excited for. Overall, I really want to get more in the fall mood and focus on getting into a healthy routine with college classes!

make new fall recipes // I know it’s still in the 90s every day where I live, but I really want it to be fall! I love sweaters, falling leaves, and all things cozy and warm. I really want to make more fall recipes, like pumpkin bread, apple pie, etc!

follow september journal prompts // my sister and I did a journal challenge back in March, and we decided to do it again with this journal prompt idea! I really love doing these to look back on my answers in the months to come, and it’s a fun way to unwind each night.

have a consistent morning routine // this is something I’m really trying to establish right off the bat because I love having a good morning routine. I got into a really consistent one this summer and it helped me stay productive and motivated each day, so I really want to start one in college that I follow every morning. It’s been hard so far because I don’t go to bed at the same time every night, so it can be hard to wake up early and get active, haha.

listen to more youtube sermons // I thought of this last Sunday when, instead of going to church, my friend and I ended up playing one of Passion City Church’s sermon recordings from our living room. I got so many good notes out of it and realized that I don’t really take time to listen to sermons like that apart from Sunday mornings. I really want to try to listen to at least one a week and take notes to look back on later. We listened to “Our Course Through the Chaos” by the way- so good!

try weights/HIIT/pilates workouts // I’ve been following a running plan with my dad for a little over a month now, but it doesn’t really add any other workouts besides cardio. I really want to try new workouts and add more strength training to my week, so I’m going to start doing more weighted exercises and do a few HIIT or pilates workouts every week!

start selling handmade bracelets // This is something I’ve been meaning to do since the summer and haven’t really sat down and started fully, but I’ve been making some bracelets with colorful letter beads and selling them on my instagram story! This month I really want to dedicate time to making more bracelets and start an instagram account for them!

at least two blog posts a week // I always have so many blog post ideas, but never make the time to write, so I’m challenging myself to at least two posts a week for the month of September, I’m excited!

drink more water- 120 oz a day // I realized recently that I used to drink sooo much water and kind of fell out of that routine over the summer. I really want to try to drink at least 3 of my big hydroflasks a day, which is 120 oz!

focus on eating whole foods // this is a big one for me because I’ve been really trying to eat better and focus on the foods I’m eating. Now that I have my own kitchen and can grocery shop and cook for myself, I really want to try to limit processed foods and eat more fruits and veggies throughout the day.

get outside and moving more // because most of my classes are online, I’ve really been struggling with feeling cooped up in my room at my desk for hours on end. I love being able to walk to my classes and get out on campus, but I don’t get outside near as much anymore. I really want to make it a habit to get outside and at least take more walks around the neighborhood!

I’m really hoping I can stay consistent with my goals and be proud of myself looking back by the end of the month. What’s your number one goal for September?

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