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Recent Quarantine Reads

If you know me, you know how much I loveeee reading. I say this all the time, but I definitely go in phases with reading where I read a lot, then get in a rut and it’ll take me a month to get through one book. I started off the year strong and read a few books a month for the first part of the year, and then kind of got in a slump around March. With quarantine and everyone staying home, the library was closed, and I only had a couple of books at home that I hadn’t read already. After reading those, I was kind of unmotivated to read any new books and found myself choosing Netflix over books for a while. Then a few weeks ago, I found a few people on instagram that were sharing a lot of their book recommendations, and I got super inspired all over again. I was adding so many new books to my GoodReads account and getting so many options to read next. Needless to say, I’ve been on such a big reading kick for the past few weeks, and I can’t wait to share my recent reads!

A big reason I got back into reading is finding my old iPad and downloading eBooks. I’m usually not a big ebook fan, I’d much rather read a paperback, but with the library closed, it was my only option. Now that I’m used to it, I really don’t mind ebooks, and it makes it easier to download new books straight to my iPad and not have to worry about the book taking up a lot of space!

Keeping The Moon // 3.7 ☆ // This was a really easy, short read about a girl who moves to stay with her aunt over the summer. They live in a small beach town and she starts working at a local diner. This was nothing special, just a cheesy beach read, but pretty good!

Hello Girls // 3.4 ☆ // I had high hopes for this book, especially by the cover and synopsis, but it didn’t live up to my expectations. It took me a while to get through because the story never really sucked me in, but I hate not finishing books, haha. It follows two girls that run away from home to go on a roadtrip and the adventures they get in along the way.

The Night Circus // 4 ☆ // This was another one that didn’t live up to the hype for me. It was definitely still a good book, and beautifully written, but it was a little slow. It was really hard to get into because it wasn’t until the last quarter of the book when things started to pick up. It’s about two magicians who were raised from birth to be the most powerful and win in a duel against the other, but they end up falling in love.

Every Last Word // 4.8 ☆ // One of my favorite books ever! I read this back in like 2017 and it was still just as good the second time around. The main character is a junior in high school and part of the popular crowd, but she secretly struggles with OCD. I loved learning more about OCD and how she handled it, and there’s a HUGE twist at the end. Just read it!

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder // 4.7 ☆ // This was the first mystery book I had read in a while, and now I’m on a big thriller kick! I love YA mysteries, and I can never figure out what’s going to happen next. It follows Pip, who is investigating a 5 year old murder in her hometown. She doesn’t think the accused suspect actually did it, so it follows her journey as she unpacks the clues and finds out what really happened.

The Cheerleaders // 4.6 ☆ //  Another mystery! This one really sucked me in, I read it in like two days. A few years ago, 5 of the cheerleaders at the town high school died within three months of each other, and the main character doesn’t think it was just a coincidence. I’m proud of myself, I guessed the murderer about halfway in :).

The Selection // 4.3 ☆ // I had heard of this series for years, but never actually got around to reading it. It’s definitely a little cheesy, but just a good YA romance. If I had to describe it in one word, it’s definitely a mix between the Hunger Games and the Bachelor, haha. It’s set in the future, and the country is divided by castes that rank them based on wealth. The main character enters The Selection, a competition where 35 girls from different castes live in the palace and try to win the heart of the prince. If you’re looking for a cheesy beach read but also want to get sucked in, pick this one up!

Get Out of Your Head // 5 ☆ // I absolutely loved this book. Definitely my favorite “faith” book I’ve ever read. I got this for Easter and it has been so encouraging to me to read a chapter or two every morning. It’s basically about learning to discern your anxious, worldly thoughts from the truths of scripture and leaning on what God says about you instead of the negative thoughts inside your head.

Those are all the books I’ve read the past two months, but definitely not the last! I’m currently in the middle of The Elite, the second book to the Selection series, which I’m sure I’ll be done with soon. I’m also almost done with The Toll, the final book to the Scythe series. After that, I think I’m going to pick up another mystery, then maybe a YA contemporary. So many books, so little time!

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