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Photo Diary No. 1

As I was looking through some of my old posts the other day, I realize that while I do share a lot of life updates and personal posts, I don’t share that many of my own photos. I used to take pictures all the time of my outfits specifically for the blog, but I haven’t really found time to do that in forever, and I never really had any other pictures that I thought were cute enough to add to posts. I really want to start adding more of my own photos, even if they are just random snapshots. So I went back through my camera roll over the past month or so and collected a bunch of pictures I thought I’d share + explain. It’s kind of a life update and photo dump all in one!

* photo above is from late March. My future roommate and I met for breakfast before school at this super cute bakery on the square. Fresh fruit + creamy oats are a match made in heaven.

march 18 // this was the day after I got home from Italy and I made this delicious salad. It was my first real meal in a week that wasn’t pasta or pizza and it looked and tasted so fresh!

march 20 // this was taken on the first day of spring and my mom bought these adorable flowers from kroger without even knowing it. they really brightened up our kitchen for the rest of the week.

march 20 // best way to kick off spring? a 5 mile trail run with my track team! it was perfect weather and sunny, and we got to catch up about each other’s spring breaks

march 22 // I pass under these trees every morning when I drop my sister off for school, and they finally bloomed! they had the prettiest pink/purple flowers, so I had to snap a pic

april 3 // I made avocado toast for the first time in forever and I forgot how much I love it! it’s even better with a fried egg on top and the yolk running out-yummmmm

april 4 // my friend katelyn and I were at work on a shift together, and our boss randomly decided the boutique we work at needed some sprucing up. she sent us to a local plant shop and we got to pick out three new plants for the store!

april 6 // this was taken in the 4×800 relay at one of my last track home track meets… ever. this was such a good meet for me, our 4×800 team got first and I got my PR in the 1600!

april 7 // looking back, I’m able to laugh at this picture and take it lightly, but I actually took this when I was in the ER getting an IV. I got super sick the day before this and got super dehydrated, so my dad took my to the hospital to get fluids. this was my first IV and first time getting extremely sick like this, so it was pretty scary. thankfully I feel so much better now!

april 17 // the past few weeks, my brothers and I have been going down the street to our neighbor’s lake. this night, my dad went with us, and while my brothers fished, we each brought a book and caught up on some reading

april 21 // took this in the middle of our annual easter egg hunt at my grandparents’ house. easter sunday was so fun, and you’re never too old for egg hunts. also peep my track sock tan ;/

I definitely want to do these regularly and keep updating with new photos! I love taking pics and having them to look back on, so this is a fun way to store my memories. Thanks for reading!

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