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October Goals + Plans

How are we already halfway through October? Time is literally zooming by. I can clearly remember October 1st like it was a few days ago, not two weeks ago! In August and September, I was so excited for fall, even though it was way too early. Now that it’s finally actually autumn and the weather is changing, I feel like I lost my fall spirit. I’ve barely done anything “fall-y”. I’ve gone to the pumpkin patch, made a few fall recipes, and gotten a candle, but it’s not enough. I’m determined to spend the next two weeks doing as many spooky and fall related things as possible before November hits. I know it’ll technically still be “fall” in November, but by that time I’m in full Christmas mode :).

Is it too late to share some October goals? I made this list back on the first of the month, but I just never shared on the blog. A lot of these were on my fall bucket list as well, but now it’s finally time to check some things off! This week, the hottest it’s going to get is 70 degrees, with the low one day being 39. Literally a week ago it was in the nineties, so I’m not complaining! the perfect fall weather to me is mid 50s/60s, so I can’t wait to pull my sweaters out.

 Spend intentional time with God every day // So far I’ve been pretty good about keeping up with this, but I can definitely improve. I really want to start reading Love Does, I’ve heard it’s really good.

Prepare and do my best on the ACT // I actually just took this Tuesday, but I really wanted to prepare as much as I could. I took practice tests, reviewed flashcards, and reviewed a lot. Hopefully I did well!

Delete social media for 2-3 days // This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while. A few times the past month, I’ve waited to check social media until the end of the day, but I want to try and delete it fora few days at a time. Sometimes it just gets to be too much and can be really distracting.

Get under 20:30 5k for a meet // I’m happy to say that I’ve already accomplished this! My past two meets have been under 20:30, and my most recent meet was 19:58, my best in a while! Yay!

Eat clean October // I really want to eat super healthy all of October. It can be really hard to stay in shape once fall hits, with Halloween candy, Thanksgiving deserts, and lots of baking. I want to try and limit processed foods and desserts this month.

Do fall activities // I want to carve pumpkins for sure, I did it last year and it was so fun. I usually don’t like scary movies, but I really want to find a good one to watch with friends.

Limit spending this month // I’m proud to say I’ve been pretty good at this so far. I said I wanted to do this in September but I ended up ordering lots of sweaters from asos (oops!). I actually haven’t bought any new clothes this month, surprisingly.

Blog more // I say this all the time, but I really want to take the time to update this blog and write more posts. I love creating and writing and looking back at my old thoughts! I want to write more fall and favorites posts, and I can’t wait for Christmas to write holiday posts!

Take full advantage of autumn // It’s finally cooler weather, I can wear sweaters, the pumpkins are out, and fall is in full swing. So I don’t need to take it for granted! I want to do all the  fall things as possible.

 Bake lots of fall recipes // I’ve already made lots of yummy treats, like: baked blueberry oatmeal, apple cinnamon bread, and banana pancakes, and I can’t wait to try more. I have a big list of recipes to try on hand for if I get in the baking mood. Up next on my list is this peanut butter apple streusel bread– yum!

I’m so excited it’s finally fall! Bring on all the sweaters, apple cider, and pumpkins!

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