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October Beach Trip 2015

Hi guys! I recently came home from a four day beach vacation in Florida. I was so sad to leave, but I had so much fun! My family and I stayed in a condo in Sandestin, but we traveled to a lot of nearby beach towns. I took some great pictures and started really liking photography while I was down there too. 🙂 Be sure to check out more of my photography at:! I am still working on it, but I hope to take  more pictures soon!


Here are some of my favorite pictures from the trip:

footprints in the sand

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I took this in Baytowne, which was about two miles away from our condo.

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I took this on the first night, with the pastel sunset in the background

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My new favorite store.

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Sandy toes and foamy waves

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the sky was changing colors before my eyes

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Some of the best ice cream I’ve ever eaten. Salted caramel truffle from Moo La-La Creamery

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One of the shops around Seaside Square

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Just another ocean pic

october beach trip

the famous seaside pavilion with some sun streaks

october beach trip

With the sun dipping low into the sky


Beach pano

october beach trip

fading sun and soft, white sand

Have you gone on a fun trip recently? Let me know below!

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