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My Favorite Easy Breakfasts

Last year, I ate the same two or three breakfasts every day the whole year. Maybe a few times I would have leftover pancakes or banana bread from the day before, but I think I cycled through cereal, a nature valley granola bar, or peanut butter toast all school year. This year I’ve been switching it up and eating some new, healthy breakfasts that are also super quick to make. I’m always pushing it until the very last minute to get in the car to head to school, so these are perfect for on the go mornings!

PEANUT BUTTER CHOCOLATE OATMEAL // This is healthy, delicious, and the fiber in the oatmeal keeps you full until lunch! There are two different ways to make it chocolately, or you can do both and make it double chocolate. I’ll either put my oatmeal in the bowl and pour just enough chocolate almond milk over it to cover all the oats, or use regular almond milk and stir in half a scoop of muscle milk protein powder. (Regular milk works too, I just like almond milk.) Stir the oats and microwave for 45 seconds. When you take it out, stir again and add a splash more almond milk if it’s a little thick. Then take a tablespoon of natural peanut butter and stir it into the oats while they are still hot, it’ll melt right in. Sometimes I’ll add sliced strawberries or apples, but it’s delicious on its own!

FIVE INGREDIENT EGG SCRAMBLE // This is still a quick breakfast, but sometimes I’ll chop up my ingredients the night before and have them ready in the fridge for the morning. All you need is: 2 eggs, a small handful of spinach, diced baby tomatoes, diced deli turkey, and salt/pepper. You can chop up the spinach too, but I like to lay down the spinach to cover my pan as the base. Mix your eggs, turkey, tomatoes, and salt/pepper in a bowl and then pour over the spinach base. Cook at medium heat for about 3 minutes, then flip. When the eggs are done cooking, I’ll fold it over halfway like an omelette and add a little more salt on top! Eggs have lots of protein, and spinach is super good for you, I just don’t eat it enough.

SIMPLE BANANA PANCAKES // These are super simple, but you can add as many extra ingredients as you want to make them super yummy. All you need for the base is a super ripe banana, oats, and a splash of almond milk. Mash up your banana, add 1/8 cup of oats, and a splash of almond milk. The original recipe said you needed egg, but I didn’t use it and mine worked fine! But feel free to add an egg for extra protein. Mix by hand or pop it in a blender until smooth. If it’s too thick or runny, add extra oats or almond milk as needed. This is the base, now for the fun part- add ins! I added chocolate protein powder to the mix and not only did it thicken it up a bit, it made it really yummy and chocolatey, while also adding more protein. You can added diced strawberries or blueberries to get extra fruit, or forget about being healthy and sprinkle in some chocolate chips! You can double the recipe and save some to heat up later for an afternoon snack.

While those are my three tastiest, quickest breakfasts, I also like Rx bars, smoothie bowls (if I have time) and avocado toast! Hopefully these gave you some new breakfast ideas, but but sure to leave your favorite recipes down below!

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