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March Recap

I cannot believe how fast March went by. It both amazes me and scares me how fast time is flying these days. One half of me can’t wait for summer and for school to be out, but the other half of me wants time to slow down because that means it’s time for graduation, and high school will be over forever… March was a great month for me though, it’s probably been the best month of 2019 so far. We had our first few track meets, I went to Europe for the first time over spring break, and it’s finally starting to warm up here! The past two weeks have been warm and sunny- the perfect spring weather. After such a long, cold winter, I’m almost afraid to wake up one day and it be back to 40s, but the temps have been consistently in the 60s and 70s- literally perfect.

Reading // While I didn’t read quite as many books as I did in February, I’m happy to say I’m still keeping up with my 2019 goal of reading more. This month I started quite a few books but haven’t yet finished all of them. I started Sadie by Courtney Summers, which was okay, but it never really drew me in. Maybe I need to read a bit more before I give up on it completely? It got great reviews, but I just couldn’t get into it. I also started Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist, which is really good so far. I need to make more time to try and finish it this month! Continuing from last month’s Harry Potter kick, I finished Chamber of Secrets, listened to Prisoner of Azkaban, and am about 100 pages in with Goblet of Fire! It’s the perfect, cozy read to help me fall asleep at night. But the book I’ve really been into this month is The Serpent King by Jeff Zenter. It’s set in a small southern town and revolves around a group of 3 best friends in their senior year of high school. I’ve been taking full advantage of this sunny weather and reading outside as much as possible!

Watching // This is really random, but the new Masterchef Jr season came out this month! My siblings and I (and even my dad) get really into it and keep up with every season, so we were excited to see Season 7 starting back up. The new Stranger Things Season 3 trailer also came out this month, and I’m seriously so excited. It’s set in the summer and comes out July 4, and I cannot wait!

Listening // While my March playlist is a bit short, I’ve listened to it on repeat all month. The Jonas Brothers are back together, and I’ve been loving their new song, Sucker. Something else new I tried this month: audiobooks. I grabbed Prisoner of Azkaban on audiobook on a whim at the library, not thinking I would actually like it. I’d much prefer a real, tangible book over a Kindle or recording, but I actually really enjoyed it. It was kind of relaxing to drive and pick up where I left off every time I got in the car, and I went through the book pretty quickly.

Buying // When I was in Italy, I came across the wonderful store that is Bershka. Everything is well priced and trendy, and I’m proud of myself for only leaving with two things. I bought my first denim jacket, and a new denim skirt. I haven’t had the chance to wear the skirt yet, but needless to say, I’m obsessed with the jacket! It pairs well with so many things and really adds detail to an outfit. I also ran in Zara and got a pair of black skinny jeans, which I’ve been needing for a while now. Other than those three things, I haven’t bought much. I’m in need of a new spring-y outfit though, so that may be on next month’s purchase list! I really want a cute sundress or patterned skirt.

Eating // My most eaten recipe this month was easily my berry vanilla oats. I had them for breakfast four times in a row this past week, and they taste just as good as the first time I made them. The sweetness of the berries, warmth of the oats, and crunch from the toppings makes it the perfect recipe. I also tried zoodles for the first time this month, and I’m a huge fan. I kind of followed this recipe, but made a few adjustments to it. We had some shrimp in the freezer that I seasoned with garlic ranch seasoning and added on top of cilantro-lime seasoned zoodles. Delicious and easy! Another thing I’ve been really into this month was tea. I got a sampler pack of berry flavored teas that I went through in just a couple of weeks, and now I’ve moved on to cinnamon apple spice. I adda packet of stevia and a bit of apple cider vinegar and it tastes perfect. Lastly, I’ve been really into Lara Bars and Kind Bars this month. I think I’ve tried almost every flavor of Lara Bar, and my top three favorites would have to be: peanut butter cookie dough, mint chocolate chip, and blueberry muffin.

Doing // What have I been up to this month? It’s been a month of up and downs. School went from really laid back the first part of March to really busy and stressful this last half. Things are really picking up in my classes, but it’s kind of nice to feel productive after finishing a long homework assignment. We had our first two track meets, and I’m really excited to see how much my training will (hopefully) pay off this season. I feel like I’m in much better shape than I was at this time last year, and my times have been pretty good so far. I’m running the 4×800 relay, 1600, and 800 this season. I’ve run the mile forever, but this is my first year to run the 800, so it’s kind of an adjustment. I like it so far tho! Went to Italy for spring break- that was such an experience. It was my longest time to be away from home and the farthest away I’d ever been, but I learned a lot and made lots of new friends from it. I think I really grew in my faith while I was there and learned to lean on God for strength and comfort. Then I spent the next 6 days recovering from major jetlag and going to sleep at like 8:30 every night, ha. Now I’m fully caught up on sleep and back in the swing of things with life at home. I’m working on slowing down and appreciating the little things, because I know they won’t be around forever. I’m trying to be fully present in every day and stop wishing for the future or missing the past. It’s spring, it’s sunny, I have great friends and a loving family, I just need to slow down and take it all in!

That was my March in a nutshell! I love doing these posts because it’s kind of like a brain dump and life update all in one. They’re fun to look back on and see what I was doing at certain times in my life. Now on to April!

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