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Looking back + Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone! Looking back at 2015, I would say that overall it was a great year. I got to do some amazing things and take in some great experiences. My track team did well and got first in every meet, my soccer team won State and went to regionals, I went rock climbing, I got a new best time in cross country, and I went to the beach twice! 2015 was a year of new beginnings. I started this blog back in September, and I’m so glad I did. I also started high school, which so far has been fine! My soccer team got a new coach, who is so much better that our last one. I also became so much closer with some of my friends, and made some new ones as well! I can only hope that 2016 is as good a year or better. I want to start the year off with some resolutions to try and stick to. I know they might end up falling through the cracks halfway or even a quarter of the way through the year, but it’s definitely worth a try!

2016 resolutions
  1. Eat healthier. It seems that once Halloween hits, there is nonstop junk food all the way up until New Years. There is Halloween Candy, Thanksgiving food, Christmas food and candy from the stocking, and New Years Eve food and parties. Going into 2016, I want the first few months to be completely dessert-free. I’ll only eat desserts on the weekends, or special occasions. I think this will be hard, but it’s a great way to get healthier.

  2. Drink more water. I often find myself thirsty and dehydrated throughout the day. For Christmas, I got a new Camelback water bottle, so I want to use that to start drinking more and more water this year. There are so many benefits to drinking water. It’ll keep me hydrated for sports, it helps your skin stay looking clear, and it flushes out toxins in your body. I definitely need to drink more water!

  3. Stay organized. I want to go into the new school semester organized and prepared for what’s ahead. I want to make a good schedule to follow so I’m not cramming and procrastinating. This way, I’ll get everything done and have time to do some of the things I want to do. I need to start using my agenda, have everything prepared, and get organized 2016.

  4. Get faster. I want to be able to improve in running this year. I want my 5k times to drop and my track times to get better as well. That means training, training, training! It’ll be hard work and dedication, but it’s certainly possible. I hope I might be able to get first in state next cross country season.

  5. Make new friends. This year, I want to try and make more friends and grow my friendships with the people I already know. Whether it’s saying hi to someone as I walk down the hallway at school, or getting together with someone to work on homework, I want to be able to become a better friend this year!

Cheers to a new year, it’s 2016 everyone! May this be a great year full of fun, success, and happiness. What are your new years resolutions? Let me know below!

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