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June Goals

Happy June everyone! This is probably my favorite month of the year, for so many reasons. I love summer and the warm weather, the pool is open, no school, and my birthday is in just a few days! (the 4th!) I just made my summer bucket list last night and it’s making me so excited to really take advantage of this summer and try to do as much as possible. I really want to focus on growing my lifestyle/fashion instagram and be proud of my pictures and feed. I want to read lots of books and spend lots of time in the sun. I want to spend time with my friends and meet up with old friends from high school. I’m getting so motivated and excited for this month, so here are my top 10 goals for June!

I have a podcast that I started back in January, and I’m so sad that I haven’t posted in a few months. I love recording, but not so much editing, and I haven’t been making enough time for it. This month, I want to start recording again and not put so much pressure on myself to make it perfect! I’ve been stuck in Oxford for months now, and since things are opening back up again, I’d love to go on a fun day trip with a friend to a city nearby. It would be so fun to take the day to shop, try new restaurants, and walk around in the sunshine! I’ve mainly only been going on runs for my workouts every day, but I want to switch it up and try a new routine. The main things I want to get into are HIIT and pilates workouts. I did my first HIIT workout in years this morning and omg- so hard but such a good workout! I’m excited to do more. I also want to blog more, at least one post a week, but hopefully two! I also would love to reconnect and hang out with some old friends from high school. I hang out with my one best friend all the time, but I always love meeting up with old friends I haven’t seen in a while. I mentioned this earlier, but I really want to be happier with my instagram feed. If you don’t know, I have a separate instagram, lifebyaddie, that I’ve been trying to post more on recently. It’s been so fun to keep up with and take pictures for, but I want to be happier with my feed and gain more followers! I also really want to focus on my eating and making sure I’m having lots of protein and veggies throughout the day. I want to gain muscle and feel strong in my workouts, and I want to make sure I’m eating properly for my body! Going along with feeling strong, I would love to build up to running 7 miles this month! I’ve been running 6 miles once a week for almost 3 months now, and I think it’s time to bump it up a notch! I don’t know why I randomly thought of this, but I would love to go thrifting or antiquing around town and see what random fun stuff I find! Lastly, I want to do a sunrise (or sunset!) devotion, either at the lake by my house or at a lookout in my town. It’s so calming and peaceful to dig into the word with such a pretty view on the side :).

What are your goals for June?

xoxo, Addie

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