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July Favorites

Wow, is July really over? It’s crazy how fast summer zoomed by. School starts in less than a week for me, and it seems like just yesterday I finished my final exams and got out for summer break. As sad as it is to realize that July is over, today I bring you my top five picks from this month. Some of my favorite things I’ve been using and loving lately. I’ve been reading a lot this month, because I started the Harry Potter series and haven’t been able to put them down, even though I need to read my summer reading instead. I’ve also been finding a lot of delicious recipes and the other day I decided to get my baking tools out and try one- it was amazing. Read on for more of my July favorites!

July Favorites

One// Harry Potter. I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter. I can’t explain how much I love it. If you haven’t read them yet, stop reading this and go pick up a Harry Potter book. If you have read them, stop reading this and go pick up a Harry Potter book. I’ve already read them a few years ago, and then again a couple of years ago, and then now I’m rereading them for the third time. And they’re better than ever! It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the story, it’s just so so good.

Two// Cute stationary. My favorite place to get stationary is the dollar section at Target, because it’s always so cute and it’s such a good deal. I always love receiving letters, and it’s so much fun to find an adorable letter in your mailbox. I can also guarantee that having some stationary lying around will inspire you to write more letters, something that everyone should do!

Three// Chocolate chip peanut butter oatmeal cookies. I made these the other day and they were to die for. The peanut butter isn’t too strong or overpowering, the chocolate chips melt at just the right consistency, and the oats add the perfect final touch. These cookies are amazing, and I definitely recommend trying them out! They aren’t hard to make and they aren’t extremely bad for you since they have peanut butter and oats in them!

Four// Sticky notes. I never really used these until just lately, and I’ve found that they are so helpful! I put them everywhere, whether it’s on the side of my dresser so it’s the first thing I see in the morning, on a notebook so I can jot down a few quick ideas, or even on the back of my phone case so I can keep up with my to do list! I usually just write down things I need to

Five// Slip on sneakers. I’ve been seeing these everywhere lately and I think they are so cute! It would be really easy to slip them on with any outfit for school, and they look super comfortable! I really like the snakeskin style, but I also think the Vans website has some super cute picks!

Thanks for reading! Happy August, hope you enjoyed!

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