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January Recap

Did anyone else feel like January just flew by? Usually January is one of the slowest months of the year for me, but I feel like it was already halfway through the month before I knew it, and then the last half was so busy that when I looked up, it was January 30th! January was a great month. It took a week or so to get back into a routine after I started back school, but now that I’ve gotten used to my classes and schedule, I’ve gotten a lot more productive.

Reading // One of my goals for this year was to read more, and I’ve definitely accomplished my reading goals for January! I finished the Hunger Games series at the beginning of the month and I forget how much I love those books! I reread them almost every year and it’s just as good the 4th (or maybe 5th?) time around. I also read What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum and really enjoyed it. It’s been on my to-read list for a while now and I finally got my hands on my own copy. I also read Save the Date by Morgan Matson just last week and it was really good as well. I love contemporary books and Morgan Matson is one of my favorite authors.

Watching // I’ve been so busy that I haven’t really been able to watch much tv, but whenever I found free time, I watched a lot of youtube videos! I love watching grocery hauls and what I eat in a day videos to get inspiration for recipes, so I’ve been watching lots of those. I also have been watching Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio a lot recently, they are probably two of my favorites. They make college week in my life vlogs and I love getting to see a glimpse of what college life is like, it makes me really excited!

Listening // I feel like I haven’t been as into music this month as I have been in the past. I just haven’t found many good new songs, so I’ve been listening to a lot of old ones. A few of my favorites: Sweet but Psycho, Wow by Post Malone, and Cigarette Daydreams. While I haven’t been listening to as much music as usual, I have been getting into podcasts recently! I love going for runs and popping in a podcast, it helps the time go by faster and I’m not so distracted with the pain (lol). I’ve been loving Gals on the Go podcast, but I’m always looking for more suggestions if you want to leave some down below!

Buying // I really haven’t bought much this month (which is definitely a good thing haha!). I try to save up every paycheck I get so if there’s ever something I want to treat myself on I have some cash on hand. I bought some super cute star sneakers a few weeks ago that I’ve been wearing nonstop, and I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can style them with cute shorts. A local boutique had a great sale recently and I got this free people tee in gray, and I can’t wait to wear it. To be honest, a lot of my spending this month has gone to groceries and yummy snacks! I’ve gotten really into kombucha recently and I can’t stop drinking it.

Exercising // I have gotten super into running recently. It’s so hard to make myself get outside on the freezing days, but any day that it’s even slightly warm, I take advantage and try to get a run in! We have a really nice trail about 8 minutes away from my house thats easy to just pop over to and get a quick run in. I also completed my goal to do an ab workout every day of January! I did 300 crunches every day this month and hopefully I can continue it in February!

Traveling // The farthest I’ve gone this month was Hattiesburg for a college visit, about 4 hours away. A couple of weeks ago I visited two different colleges and got to tour and see the campuses, and I’m planning to visit even more this month! I really want to have my mind made up about college by the end of the month if possible, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I still haven’t decided ha. I think right now I’m debating between Mississippi state and Mississippi College! In other news, I have very exciting travel plans coming up in March! I’m going with my church on a mission trip to… ITALY! I’m beyond excited, and I’m currently in the process of fundraising for the trip. The cover photo above is actually one of the places I’ll get to see, isn’t it so pretty?

All in all, January was a great month for me, and I’m even more excited for the next one! Bring it on February!

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