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January Bucket List

Is is too late to have my January bucket list yet? I know this is really late, but better late than never, right? I tried to come up with ten more things that I wanted to do this January. A lot of them are about either staying healthy or staying organized as I start back up with school. I got a Lilly Pulitzer agenda for Christmas and I hope to use that a lot more to stay on top of everything. I also have a bunch of new recipes I want to try and make. Read on to discover my January bucket list!

january bucket list

So my last bucket list from December didn’t go quite as well as I hoped. I did get some things done, but I did do some things! Here is my completed December bucket list:


#2. I did find everyone a Christmas present that they liked this year! I think everyone was pleased with what I gave them, last year I probably did the best with giving presents out of all the other years.

#3. I did get a planner, my parents got me a Tusk In Sun large Lilly Pulitzer agenda. I love it and it helps me stay organized!

#4. I got to write a whole bunch of blog posts in December because of my two weeks off from school!

#7. I used my stationary from McKay Made to write thank you cards to everyone who gave me a present this year! I loved what I got and the stationary was so cute!

#9. I helped my grandmother and my mom make some delicious breakfast on Christmas morning. We had money bread, eggs, orange juice, sausage balls and so much more!

#10. My dog and I got to do some fun stuff together over the break. I got to play with him and pet him more than I have in a while!

Now, this month’s bucket list:


#1. Since I got my new agenda for Christmas, I want to keep using it to keep me organized for the busy school year ahead. I love using it so far!

#2. I want to try making a “fruit water” that I take to school. Putting different fruits like lemons, limes, strawberries, and oranges in my water will not only improve the taste, but it’s healthy too!

#3. I hope that one day I can sit down and plan out my entire week of outfits. This way, I won’t be rushing to pick something out and I already know hat I’m going to wear.

#4. I want to start collaborating with other brands or bloggers more this year. Whether it’s a company allowing me to review their product, or a blogger wanting to work on a post together, I would love to try it!

#5. I think it would be fun to meet with a friend before school one morning and have breakfast together. I did this before last year a couple of times, and I would love to do it again! Chic-Fil-A is always a great breakfast location.

#6. I always put off my homework until the last minute and end up staying up really late. One night, I want to try getting my homework done as soon as possible and not have to worry about it later.

#7. I always have soccer games or practices after school, and I want to be able to have a snack that I can grab and eat before I play. I want to think of a healthy and delicious snack to bring to soccer. I’ve been thinking of making these peanut butter bites, they look really good.

#8. School soccer will be ending in less than a month. I really hope that I can score a goal in a Varsity soccer game before the season comes to a close. I’ve been trying all year, and hopefully I can score one before it’s too late!

#9. I want to try to go to sleep by ten o clock one night. This way, I’ll be refreshed and rested for the day ahead. I always go to sleep really late, so I want to try going to bed earlier some night.

#10. My weekends are usually soccer and homework filled. I want to have a weekend (probably this upcoming one) where I have nothing. I get my weekend homework done early, don’t have any sports, and can just relax and sleep.

So that is my bucket list for January. I know that it is really really late, but I can still try to get these things done in time! Maybe I’ll do better than in December and get them all done this time! What are some things that you want to get done this January? Tell me down below!

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