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February Goals

I don’t know why, but I always feel like February is just a “filler month” for me, if that makes any sense. January is always a big goal month and a fresh start to the year, and March is the start of warm weather and spring break, but I never really look forward to February. I have a few fun things planned for the month, and school is starting to pick up again in busyness, but other than that it’s going to be pretty chill. I’m really trying to continue my motivation and goals from January into this month and stay inspired this month.

A few of my main goals off the list:

Do an ab and leg workout every day // I did this in January, and it has just started to become part of my daily routine by now! My sister and I picked two youtube workout videos, one for abs and one for legs, that are each about ten minutes. We’re trying to do them every day and text each other to keep each other accountable.

Fundraise for Honduras // I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to go back to one of my favorite places, El Ocote, Honduras, this summer! My sister is going too, and I’m selling these t-shirts to raise money! If you want one, simply fill out this form so I can get a headcount of how many shirts to order in bulk. If you can think of any other fundraising techniques, comment below!

Read at least three books // I’m really trying to read more in 2020, and at the end of January I got back on a huge reading kick. I put a bunch of books on hold at the library and I can’t wait for them to come in so I can read all of them! I’m currently reading The Lying Woods (super good so far!) and I think next I’m going to pick up A Study in Charlotte. I’m trying to decide what my third book should be, possibly My Lady Jane or Girl in Pieces.

Try a new recipe // It’s hard to cook or bake while living in a dorm, but my grandmother recently gave me an airfryer that I want to try to make sweet potato or kale chips in, and I’ve also been looking at different oatmeal combos to make for on the go to class. When I go home this weekend, I want to try and make a batch of protein balls to take back to school with me for an easy snack!

Be more creative // I got a bullet journal last year and haven’t used it yet, even tho I really want to sit down and make time for it! My grandmother gave me some watercolors and watercolor pens that I need to try out.

Writing this all out has actually gotten me motivated and excited now! Cheers to February!

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