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current favorite podcasts

I’ve been listening to podcasts for a few years now, but this past year I’ve been super into them and I’ve found so many new ones. I love having them on in the background when I’m cleaning or doing chores, driving, or on my runs! I knew I had listened to a bunch of podcasts this year, but I didn’t realize how many I was actually listening to until I got my 2020 Spotify Wrapped. I had listened to over 27,000 minutes of podcasts alone… over 450 hours of podcasts, oh my gosh. I have a few favorites that I listen to every time they come out, and then a few that I listen to at random times, so I thought today I would do a little wrap up of all my favorites!

What We Said // This is probably my all time favorite podcast, I listen to it every time it comes out without fail! It’s by two best friends who talk about motivation, funny stories, lifestyle tips, and so much more. Some of my favorite episodes are the episodes where listeners submit their stories, like “worst first date” or “celebrity encounters”, things like that! Definitely recommend!

Gals on the Go // This was probably the first podcast I ever listened to consistently, and it’s been around for a few years now. It’s by two Youtubers I watch, so when I saw they were coming out with a podcast, I was so excited! I haven’t been as into it as I was in the past, but it’s a fun, chill listen.

Bad on Paper // I found this one recently and it’s quickly become one of my favorites! It’s different from most other podcasts I listen to because it’s with older hosts, two women in their thirties. They talk about a range of topics: quarantine purchases, career questions, and book clubs! I love the book club episodes because it’s so fun to hear new book recs and if I’ve read the book they talked about, it’s interesting to hear them dive deeper into the topic.

Happy Hour Pod // I listen to this one off and on, but I thought I would include it for a podcast idea! This is by another Youtuber that I watch sometimes, and it’s mainly a lifestyle podcast. The host, Gretchen, talks about lifestyle, her experiences, and she interviews interesting people!

That Sounds Fun // This is by one of my favorite Christian authors, Annie Downs, and I always feel so motivated and encouraged after I finish an episode! Annie talks about different faith based topics, updates on her life, and interviews so many awesome people with great messages to share. I loved her episodes with her friend Eddie while she was quarantined back in the spring, they are so fun!

Anything Goes // This is another new one for me, and I don’t listen to every episode, but the ones I listen to are really entertaining! It’s by Emma Chamberlain, who I’ve followed on Youtube for years, but I feel like she gets really open and real on her podcast, which I love. She talks about a random variety of topics and things that are on her mind, with questions from listeners each episode!

ILYSM Podcast // I listen to this one off and on, but this podcast is always really motivational for me and I love when there’s an interesting guest on the pod. Kenzie talks about books, lifestyle, building a brand, and so much more.

RomCom Pods // This is a really interesting podcast that was created by one of the hosts from Bad on Paper podcast, and it’s so fun! It’s almost like a tv show in podcast form, each episode is a story of people talking, with sound effects and background noise so it sounds like you’re actually listening to the conversation. The first season was about a girl who got dumped right before her wedding and goes on a solo trip to Europe  and meets lots of interesting characters along the way. I loved listening to this on runs because you get sucked into the story and distracted from the miles ticking by, haha.

But, What’s Next? // I just started listening to this in the past few months, but I really enjoy it! Michelle talks about her faith, her life after college and being married, money tips, and questions from listeners. She has such a calming voice and seems so kind, and I love having her podcast on in the background.

And those were all my podcast recs! I’ve definitely listened to a few other random ones, but probably only an episode or two, I’m not a regular listener. What are your favorite podcasts? I’m always up for new ones to try to listen to!

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