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Christmas Thank You Letters

Hello everyone! Sorry there weren’t any posts for a couple of days. I took a little break around Christmas. My Christmas was fantastic! I loved spending time with family and celebrating Jesus’s birth with them. I received some great gifts this year, and I am so thankful for the presents and the people who gave them to me! I wanted to show my thanks by writing them a thank you letter telling them how grateful I am. I loved my stationary and decorating the letters with my new art supplies!

the tabitha shop

I used some adorable floral stationary from The Tabitha Shop. I love the design on them, and I love how the card is a simple, one sided, white piece of thick paper. It is completely blank, and doesn’t open. It’s just a single card. This way, I was able to write a personal note on one side, but decorate it on the other.

I wrote with my Papermate colored pens, a Christmas gift from my brother. They work great! I liked using the light blue pen the best.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

papermate pens

I used some brush pens to write a little message on one side of the card. They are made out of super thick 200 lb white paper, and the envelopes are made out of cardstock. One side of the card is textured, while the other side is smooth. I used the brush pens to write “Thank You” on the textured side, then the fine tipped pens to write my note on the flip side.

On the front of the envelope, the floral design intertwines all around a white box for the address. The design continues all the way around to the back of the envelope. The front flap doesn’t have any glue or anything that allows it to stick, but that is an easy fix. Adding some colorful washi tape will stick it down and add an extra pop of color!

If you need to write some thank you cards yourself, I would definitely recommend this stationary from The Tabitha Shop. The cards are such great quality and they are so cute! I’m sure it would brighten the day of anyone who receives it in their mailbox!

FTC: Thank you to The Tabitha Shop for sponsoring this post. Although I received the stationary for free in order to write the post, all opinions are solely my own. 

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