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Books I’ve Read in 2020

One of my goals for 2020 was to read more, and so far I’ve definitely kept up with that goal! Towards the end of 2019 I got on a big reading kick since i was home for winter break and was determined to keep it up in the new year. My original goal was to read at least two books a month, and as of today, I’ve read 10 books (and counting!) and I thought I would share my favorites. I got really into mystery books and found some contemporary mystery books that I loved, and I’ve also been trying to read more Christian/faith based books to fill my time. With all the corona virus craziness happening right now, MSU has switched to online classes, which means I’ll have lots of extra time at home to read even more!

And Then There Were None // 4.3 ☆ // I started this back at the end of last year, but I’m counting it for 2020 because I finished it in early January. It took me about a third of the book to get into it, because it’s an older book with a writing style I wasn’t used to, but I ended up really liking it! I had always heard of it and the author, Agatha Christie, but never actually read it until now. I don’t want to give too much away, but 10 strangers are invited on a deserted island, where they become trapped by a storm. One by one, each visitor starts dying, and no one can figure out who did it!

Prince Charming // 3.7 ☆ // This was definitely more of a cheesy, fluffy read, but it was good to unwind after a long day of class and read before bed! The basic premise is that Daisy, the main character, has a sister who is engaged to the prince of Scotland, so she has to move across the pond for the summer. This was a little slow at points, but also a fun story!

The Lying Woods // 4.7 ☆ // This was the first book of this author I had read, but now I want to read all of her books! This book was sooo good, and I wasn’t expecting the ending. It wasn’t exactly a big twist, but the author definitely threw me for a loop. Owen Foster’s dad has just been found guilty of fraud and embezzlement, and the whole town turns on their family. When Owen gets a job at a small pecan orchard, he begins to slowly uncover the truth about the past and his dad. This hooked me from the minute I started!

This is Our Story // 4.8 ☆ // This book was SO GOOD. It’s by the same author as the previous book, but with a completely different storyline. The main character is a high school student that works in a local attorney’s office as an assistant. She gets to help with a case about five boys that went hunting in the woods and only four boys came back alive. My only problem was the ending, because it didn’t live up to the big hype that I felt the whole book led up to. I feel like it was a little rushed, but I flew through this book!

One of Us is Next // 4.9 ☆ // Another mystery, who’s surprised? This is the sequel to a book I read a couple of years ago, and it’s a contemporary mystery. It includes characters from the previous book, but this one focuses on their younger siblings, who are still in high school. An anonymous student has made a truth or dare app that is threatening students’ safety and secrets. I read this so fast, and I would definitely recommend the other books by this author as well!

My Lady Jane // 3.5 ☆ // This one was okay, but definitely one of my least favorite of the year so far. It got good reviews on Goodreads and I had heard good things about it, but it took me a while to get into. It’s basically a retelling of Lady Jane Grey and King Edward from 18th century England, with funny commentary and a fantasy twist.

Girl in Pieces // 4.2 ☆ // This book was different than anything I had ever read before, and it was honestly a really heavy book. I had no idea what it was about, so I didn’t know what to expect. The main character has a really bad family life and background and struggles with mental health, and this is the story of her overcoming her struggles and making a new life for herself. I had to read this book in chunks honestly, but I’m glad I read it!

American Royals // 4.7 ☆ // Such a fun book! I had been looking forward to reading it since last year, and finally got it on my hands just in time for spring break. This reimagines contemporary America if we had a monarchy instead of a president. It follows the perspectives of four different girls that face the drama and difficulties involved in obtaining the crown. That definitely wasn’t a good explanation, but I would highly recommend reading this book! It’s a perfect light beach read- or quarantine read 😉 .

A Study in Charlotte // 3.8 ☆ // This was another mystery read, but not quite as good as the others I read. It was a little confusing and the characters are hard to relate to, but after I got about halfway into it I was able to appreciate the storyline more. It follows two kids, who are the descendants of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson, at a boarding school in Connecticut as they try to solve a murder of a fellow student.

Dreamland // 4.2 ☆ // I read this one super fast; it was a shorter book with a story that really drew me in. It started off lighthearted and I thought it would be just another simple, romance book, but it got pretty deep towards the end. I don’t want to give too much away, but I really liked this one! I love Sarah Dessen and have now read almost every single one of her books!

Those were my 2020 reads so far! I honestly had a lot of good luck with my books so far, with a few really really good ones. If I had to recommend three, I would say: This is Our Story, American Royals, and One of Us is Next. I can’t wait to read more, so definitely drop your book recommendations down below and follow my Goodreads account!

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