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Blog Reboot + Redesign!

Wow, it’s been a long time since my last post. I can’t believe I haven’t blogged since March! I stopped blogging because it felt like more of a chore or a checklist item than something I actually enjoyed anymore. I always felt like I had to post this or was supposed to post that. I also got really busy towards the end of the school year and slacked off on blogging because of that as well. But there’s no excuses besides the fact that I just wasn’t into it as much back then. But after taking such a long break, I realized how much I missed it and how I wasn’t ready to stop blogging and give it up just yet.

Recently I was looking through pinterest and thinking about how I had some really fun ideas that I wanted to blog. I was getting so much inspiration and so many ideas that I just knew I had to start back blogging soon. So welcome to (2.0!) I’ll still be posting the same type of things: fashion, lifestyle, health, etc. But I want to make my content much better than it has been. Looking back at some of my old posts, I almost want to delete them because they aren’t the quality I want them to be. But I just got a new camera that I’m so excited to be using more often for outfit photos and also just to practice my photography with. I want to take better photos, write better posts that I’m actually interested in, and make my blog something I can be proud of instead of shy about.

There’s so many things I’ve been doing recently that I keep thinking, “I really want to blog about that” and I’m so excited to catch up with new posts about some of my fun summer adventures and what’s been going on in my life! I want to write more about the things I really love and am passionate about, instead of mediocre posts that I write last minute just to get something up.

I’m sure you’ve noticed a little something different by now, but my blog also got a makeover! I’m still experimenting with a few color schemes and theme ideas, but I think it was time for a change! I also redid my about page and made a few other little tweaks. Let me know if you like it, and leave any other suggestions for me in an email or a comment, I’d love to know how I can improve my blog.

So welcome to the new! I hope you enjoy and decide to stick around for what’s coming to this blog! Thank you to everyone who’s subscribed and followed along through the past (almost 2!) years. Get ready for some fun new posts coming soon!

xoxo, Addie

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