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August Goals

Wow, it’s been forever since my last post. I know I say it a lot, but I really want to start posting more. I feel like I always used to post only outfit and style posts that never really turned out how I wanted them to. Now, I want to use this blog as a way to update on my life, my interests, and my thoughts. I’ll still keep some of the same styles of posts, like weekly roundups and music playlists, but I want to be more personal and be proud of the content I’m putting out. That being said, today I’m sharing my goals for the month of August. I’m excited about the new month and new experiences!

  1. Find a podcast I actually like: I’ve been on the hunt for good podcasts for a while now, but I’m just not super into any of the ones I’ve listened to so far. I really like the idea of listening to a podcast on the way to school, work, road trips, etc. and getting advice and tips from others!

  2. Do ab workouts regularly: I’ve tried doing ab workouts every day this week and it really isn’t as bad as I make it seem. After I start, it literally takes less than 10 minutes and I feel so much better. I want to start doing them 5-6 times a week, if not every day. I usually do a regular plank and each side plank for 1 minute, 300 crunches, and 50 situps.

  3. Keep up with a prayer journal: I do this off and on, but I really want to have a journal that I write my prayers in regularly. I always love looking back at old prayers and seeing how God has answered them or how my wishes have changed.

  4. Start tithing at church: this is something I really want to get into. Ever since I got a job I’ve been earning some extra money, and I read a verse in 1 Timothy yesterday that really spoke to me. “For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” (1 Timothy 6:7). In the long run, storing up treasures on earth isn’t going to change anything, and I want to give back to the church.

  5. Get back into journaling: I have three different journals that I use for a few different things, and I always hate that I never use them enough. I journaled a little over the summer, but not near as much as I wanted to. I just need to really make time for it as part of my night routine and do it as often as possible.

  6. Go a day without social media: I’ve realized recently that I’ve been on my phone too much. It’s hard not to get caught up in technology, especially in the summer because I’m not as busy with school. I want to take a day, preferably in the school week, where I don’t get on any social media. I know it’ll be good for me, and there’s so many other things I could be doing instead of mindlessly scrolling.

  7. Really invest in my devotion times: I want to make my bible time a vital time of my morning/night routine that I really look forward to, not just something to check off my to do list and forget about. I also want to start memorizing bible verses to always be able to remember throughout the day!

  8. Train hard at XC: We have about one month until our first cross country meet, and it’s really time to put the work in. We’ll have practice 5 times a week, and I want to try to do 5-6 mile runs every Sunday morning until meets start. This will be my last time to run for my team, and I want to do my very best for my last go round.

  9. Read at least two books: All summer I never really read the books I wanted to read because I was so busy with summer reading. This month I want to take time to check some books off my reading list and get back into reading.

  10. Blog more: I kinda talked about this earlier, but I really want to use this blog more to talk about my life and thoughts. I want to post at least once a week, but hopefully I’ll get into a good routine and have lots of post ideas!

Thanks for reading my rambling thoughts, and I hope you’ll stick around for what’s to come with this blog!


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