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April Recap

How the heck is it May? April went by so fast, it was a blur. I graduate this month…what? I really tried to make the most of April and make memories because it was my last full month of high school before exams and AP tests and the busyness of graduation. Even though April went by fast for me, SO much happened, probably more than any other month so far. There were lots of track meets, sunny weather, yummy recipes, and fun days, but I also had a couple of really hard weeks in the middle of April that I grew a lot through. I got really sick the night of my senior prom and ended up having to stay at the hospital for two nights. It really taught me to prioritize my health and nutrition and to make the most of every day. Ever since I started recovering and feeling better, I’ve had such a better outlook on life. I feel so much happier and I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to the month.

Last week, April 20-25, was probably my favorite week of 2019 so far. It was just one of those weeks when everything seems to go right and nothing can ruin your mood. It was perfect weather, sunny and in the almost 80s every day, I felt energized at school and was able to laugh and talk with my friends, we grilled out, we ate on the back deck almost every night, I spent lots of time with my family, just so many great things. That week just felt like a sneak peek of summer, and it made me so freaking excited.

Reading // I feel like April was a month that I really got back into reading again. While I was sick and resting a lot in bed, I had lots of time on my hands to catch up on some good books. I finished The Serpent King, which I started in March but hadn’t finished yet. It was sad at the end but also really good. I also started and finished The Opposite of Always, which was another really great book. It was a little confusing at the end but a super cute story and an easy book to chill outside and read a few pages at a time. I started I’ll Meet You There, but I haven’t finished it yet. I can’t tell if I like it or not. Last book of April: If You’re Out There. This is probably my favorite of all the books I’ve read so far this month. I’m not done yet but will probably finish in the next day or two. It’s a really intricate mystery tied into a love story. Besides books, I’ve also been really into blogs recently. I gave up instagram and youtube for Lent, so I often resorted to reading lots of blog posts on the app Bloglovin’ instead. It’s a fun way keep up with people but also get insight/tips or new fashion finds!

Watching // Like I said before, I gave up youtube for lent, so I got back into Netflix this month. I started the show The Good Place but only watched like two or three episodes of it. It was pretty good tho, so maybe I should pick back up with it. Another show I was watching this month was Gilmore Girls. It’s so good, I love the town of Stars Hollow and all the characters! It’s such a relaxing, cozy show to have in the background when I’m multitasking. I also watched the movie Super 8 with my dad and sister and it was soooo good. I can’t believe I haven’t seen it before!

Listening // Honestly not much at all. My April playlist was severely lacking this month with only five songs. I really liked the new Jonas Brothers’ song, Cool, and Taylor Swift’s new song, ME. Besides music, I also listened to Gals on the Go podcast and a few episodes of I Love You So Much Podcast. If you have any music/podcast recs be sure to leave them down below! I love listening to podcasts while I run or even just around my room while I’m cleaning or doing homework.

Buying // I didn’t buy that much this month, but I’m not sure I can say the same for next month. I’ve been browsing the website Shein for the past few days and I think I’m about to make a big order of swimsuits. I bought two suits from their last year and was pleasantly surprised, so I’m excited to order more for summer. I did buy a few pieces of clothing at a local boutique sale at Double Decker this Saturday. I got a white denim skirt and a pair of white denim shorts for five dollars each, and they look so cute and fit me perfectly! I also got a simple yellow button up long sleeve that is so comfy and perfect for spring nights.

Eating // So much yummy food! Around Easter, my grandmother gave us like 15 really ripe bananas, and I think I made 5 batches of banana bread within a week. I used Shalane Flanagan’s recipe from her cookbook Run Fast, Eat Slow and added strawberries and dark chocolate chips- so freaking good. It’s even better when it’s cold and topped with peanut butter-yum. I also got really into making wraps this month. I just have a bunch of whole grain tortillas and like adding turkey, lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, crushed pretzel for a crunch, mustard, really anything. Then roll it up and dip it in mustard or bbq sauce- kind of weird but delicious! Last thing I’ve been making a lot is smoothie bowls. One of the best combos is mango, strawberry, banana, and pineapple. Top with granola and peanut butter-so good! We also grilled out the other night and had kabobs with chicken and pineapple, corn on the cob, and baked beans, and it was making me so pumped for summer when grill outs are a weekly occurrence.

Doing // What did I do in April? So much, honestly. I touched on it a little before, but the month started out like normal, with track practice every day, district track meet, work a few times a week, just the normal routine. But then I got super sick, had to stay in the hospital, and took a while to recover. I got a bad virus and had to go on a clear-liquids only diet for almost a week, so I was just feeling really down and tired almost every day. It has been such an answered prayer that I feel back to normal now, and I’m so thankful to be back in good health. I had to end my track season early because I got too weak to run in the North Half meet, which was definitely sad and not at all the way I’d planned for this season to go. State is May 4th, and thankfully my coach is still letting me go and watch, so at least I’ll be able to be around and support the team for my last meet ever. I also spent SO much time outside this month. The weather was the best it’s been in a while, and it’s only getting warmer. Every chance I’d get, I’d spend outside, especially the last two weeks when it’s been in the 80s. Reading on the porch, going to the lake with my brothers, working out in the backyard, homework or dinner on the back deck, you name it. It feels so good to be able to wear shorts and tank tops and not be freezing anymore! I also got more into journaling this month, specifically prayer journaling. It’s a habit I want to get even better at in May, but I really started writing out specific prayers and writing out my devotions every morning, which I feel makes a difference in my connection with the Lord. Random things I did in April: set up my ENO for the first time this year and chilled in the sun, ran a new route at the Whirlpool trails, started practicing a few small acts of kindness, went to Clinton to visit some old family friends, and grew closer to my family.

Overall, April was probably my favorite month of 2019. There were definitely some low points, but I’ve learned and grown so much over the last 30 days and I couldn’t be more thankful for where I am now. Hopefully May is even better!

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