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24 Hours in Nashville!

If you know me, you know my all time favorite band is the Lumineers. I can’t really remember the first time I heard them, just because I’ve grown up listening to them after my dad introduced me to their first album, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I love a wide range of music, from pop to Christian to folk, but Lumineers is something I could listen to anytime, anywhere, and not get bored. So when my parents told my sister and I we were going to Nashville for a Lumineers concert, I was so excited! I got out of class early on Wednesday and I don’t have any class at all Thursday, so the dates lined up perfectly and it was such a fun trip! I thought I’d do a little Nashville recap and share some of the things we did!

The concert wasn’t until later Wednesday night, but we got to Nashville a little early. I usually have class until 1 on Wednesday, but I skipped my last few classes (oops) and met my parents in Tupelo to ride with them so I didn’t have to drive five hours by myself, haha. I was able to get some schoolwork done and nap on the way there, and we got to our hotel around 4. It was cold, but thankfully the sun was out, so my dad and sister and I walked around Broadway and went into a few random shops. One big thing about Nashville is that there is country music EVERYWHERE. In every single shop, every restaurant, all the bars, even in speakers on the streets: country music. It was such a fun vibe tho. We went into a homemade candy shop and a cowboy hat store before heading back to the hotel.

We went back and changed for supper, then ate at one of my mom’s favorite restaurants, Chuy’s, for dinner. It was a Mexican restaurant, but full of colorful artwork and crazy patterns in every room. We sampled lots of different dips and sauces with our chips, and then I got their homemade chicken tortilla soup for my main meal. It was so good, and they make their tortillas right there in the restaurant. After filling up on Chuy’s we grabbed a hotel shuttle to Bridgestone Arena for the most exciting part of the night- the Lumineers concert! It was so so so fun. That was actually my first real concert I’ve ever been to, and now I want to go to more! It was really cool to hear all my favorite songs of theirs live, and they really are such talented musicians. I had also found their setlist from past concerts and made a Spotify playlist with all the songs, so it was nice to already be preparing and know what songs they were going to sing. If you haven’t heard any of the Lumineers’ music, definitely go listen! Some of my faves are “Submarines”, “Sleep on the Floor”, “Big Parade” and “Salt and the Sea”.

Wednesday morning we slept in a little and then went to the hotel gym and my dad and I did light weights before breakfast. We had plans to walk around downtown and explore the city more, but it ended up snowing! I wasn’t expecting it to be that cold, but it was actually really pretty to see the snow flurries. We went to the Parthenon museum and roamed around for about an hour, and it was really cool. One of my favorite books growing up was Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, and this was actually where they filmed one of the main scenes of the movie. It was cool to see the Athena statue they talked about in the books, and they actually had the script and some of the props from the movie on display as well! We went to a few random shops downtown and took pictures in front of the infamous wing mural, then went to 12 South and braved the cold to walk around for a bit! I had heard a lot about 12 South, and we didn’t even get to see half of it, but it was such a cute area. It was basically a strip of shops, restaurants, coffee houses, and murals. We went to a few random places like Madewell, the White Bison coffee shop, and Draper James, Reese Witherspoon’s store! Everything was so cute and we took lots of fun pictures with the murals. We ate a late lunch at Franklin Juice Company and I got an acai bowl with pineapple, blueberries, cashews, coconut, and peanut butter- so good!

I wish we could have stayed longer, but soon after lunch we loaded up and headed home, and I was back in Starkville around 8. I absolutely loved Nashville tho! My mom and I were talking about how we really want to make a longer trip in the summer to explore for a few days when it’s warm. I love traveling and exploring new cities, and this was the perfect little getaway!

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