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2020 Goals and Resolutions

Happy New Year! I know it can be overhyped and cheesy sometimes, but I seriously love the feeling of a new year and a new beginning. A fresh start always makes me feel so motivated and inspired. I want to do a full 2019 recap post soon, but it was overall a pretty good year for me. It was definitely one of the most eventful years of my life, so much happened in such a short amount of time. I didn’t accomplish all my goals from 2019, but I definitely grew as a person and had so many new experiences. This year, I really want to focus on my goals throughout the entire year, not just the beginning of the semester. I’m going to print out my goals and paste them around so I’ll have a constant reminder of what I’m working towards. I really hope I can look back at the end of 2020 and be proud of what I’ve accomplished and who I’ve become.

First, a little recap on last year’s goals. I wrote a post all about my top few main goals, but I just found my old journal where I wrote a longer list of more detailed goals. One of my main goals was to be more intentional with my time. I struggle with deciding if I did this or not. I went through phases where I was super intentional and in the moment and then other times I lived more out of habit and less out of intent. I also made it a goal to practice gratitude, something that I’m really happy to say that I definitely accomplished. Starting in January, I wrote down three things that I was grateful for that happened that day. It was really cool to reflect on the little moments that made that day special. Journal and read more was another big goal, and this had ups and downs as well. I read a lot in the spring/summer, and read three books in winter break alone, but other than that, I kind of slacked. I read sooo many school books, so I guess I was technically reading, but I was so busy with school that I didn’t have time for much other reading. Get out of my comfort zone: definitely yes. This was the biggest year of growth for me, and I got out of my comfort zone so so much. I went to Italy without knowing anyone on the trip, rushed a sorority, started college, made new friends, traveled more, and had so many other opportunities that got me out of my comfort zone. Less time on my phone: sadly, no. I wish I could say I did, but that’s definitely a goal for this year too. Plan and organize more was something I definitely did get better at this year, and I think college was a big factor in that. My planner is filled to the brim of to do lists and goals and plans. Spend more time outside is another thing I definitely did, and I want to continue this next year as well. There’s nothing like getting outside to read, run, or just soak up the sun. I really wanted to be more creative, but this was another thing that kind of gotten put on the sideline. I love art and creativity, but I don’t often make time for it. I did get really into making collages on PicsArt this year, which was fun. I made it a goal to really focus on spending time with Christ in 2019, and I think I got better at this too. I can definitely get better, but I think I grew in my faith this year. I got the New Morning Mercies devotional and reading that every morning was a great way to start the day.

Now, for my goals for 2020. Something I want to focus on is making my goals a bit more specific so they’re easier to focus on instead of making them broad and hard to achieve.

To expand on a few of my top goals:

  1. Start a podcast: This has been something in the back of my mind for the past few months, ever since my dad and I have been talking about it. He started one this past month, and I’ve loved podcasts for almost two years now. I think it would be so cool to start my own to talk about school, life, tips, and more.

  2. Read 2+ books a month: I love reading. So much. But I don’t do it near enough. I read so much for school last semester that I didn’t really make time for personal books. I’m going to try to read two books a month, one every two weeks, at the minimum. If you want to see my 2020 reading list, I wrote a whole post about it here.

  3. Stop being addicted to my phone: This goes along with the book goal, because I want to replace all my phone time with reading instead. I just realized I spend way too much time on my phone, mindlessly scrolling. January first, I went to the screen time option on my phone and made time limits for my social media apps to remind me to stop wasting my time on my phone when I’m bored!

  4. Read the entire bible: I’m going to do my regular devotions and reading times as well, but my parents and I are going through a 365 day bible reading plan that takes you through the bible chronologically. I think after I read for a month of two, it will become a habit and second nature to read through the passages in the morning.

  5. Get better at managing my money: I’ve had a job in my hometown for over a year now, and it’s really nice to have extra cash when I need it. I just want to improve my saving and not spend money on little things that I don’t really need. I also want to get a job in Starkville to help pay for extra expenses while I’m at school.

  6. Eat more whole foods: I think this is one of the biggest ones I want to focus on this year, and I really don’t want to fall off on this goal halfway through the year. I want to focus on eating more wholesome, healthy foods like fruits and veggies, nuts, fresh proteins, and cut back on the sugary, processed foods.

  7. Be generous and volunteer more: I really want to get more involved in the community and be more giving of my time this year. I help a lot in the children’s ministry at my church at home and I’m thinking about doing that at a church in Starkville.

I can’t wait to stay strong on my goals and see where 2020 takes me! What are your top goals for this year?

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