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2018 Recap + 2019 Goals

Happy New Year! I seriously cannot believe it’s 2019 already. This is going to be a big year for me, I graduate, travel a lot, start college, and learn to live on my own. If this semester goes by even half as fast as last semester, it’ll be over before I know it. I feel like the year 2019 always seemed like so far away for me. I always knew I was getting closer and closer to my graduation year, but it never felt like it would ever get here. But it’s here! I graduate in less than six months. That is seriously crazy. Today  I wanted to recap 2018 and share some of my goals for the upcoming year!

2018 was an amazing year for me, probably my favorite so far. I feel like I was a much happier person in 2018 than 2017, and there were just so many amazing things I did. It’s hard to think back to the beginning of the year, but I journaled a bit of my favorite things I did. I had such a fun track season and got closer with a lot of my teammates in the spring, lead VBS in Honduras in July, studied super hard and made a 33 on the ACT, pushed myself in cross country season and made all state with 7th place, got a car, took more pictures and videos to document life, started my first job, and so much more. I learned so much this year and had so many new experiences. I couldn’t be more thankful!

Now for my 2019 goals! I did okay with my goals from last year. I got pretty good at drinking more water and eating healthier, which was a big goal of mine. I didn’t read or journal as much as I hoped to, which is definitely something I want to do this year. For my 2019 goals I wanted to focus on more detailed intentions instead of broad, hard to reach goals. I want to type print out and put them a few places where I can always see them and be reminded of them.

  1. Be more intentional with how I spend my time. Make sure everything I’m doing has a purpose and I’m not wasting my time. When I’m hanging out with friends, I want to be all there and focus on my time with them. Stop wasting time on useless things, like my phone or tv when I could be doing other things!

  2. Practice gratitude every day. I need to show thankfulness more to the people around me, like my family and teachers. I want to try and write down three things every day that I’m thankful for.

  3. Journal and read more. A repeat of last year, but I really want to accomplish it this year! I love to read but I never make time for it anymore. I’m going to try and read at least one new book every month. That shouldn’t be a hard goal at all, but I just never make time for it when I have school going on.

  4. Get out of my comfort zone. I love the quote “Do one thing every day that scares you.” I need to learn to try new things and get out of my comfort zone, especially with college coming up and trying to make friends in a new place.

  5. Less time on my phone. I’ve been pretty good at this so far, but I hope to continue it the rest of the year. I just find myself spending way too much time on my phone when there’s no reason to be on it. I’m just looking for ways to distract myself. I could probably get lots more books read if I put the phone down and picked the book up!

  6. Plan and organize more. I want to start each month with a motivated mindset. Meaning, I want to take the time to really sit down and plan each month and write down my monthly goals. I used to do this, but I stopped this past semester. I think it’s important to always have goals to strive towards and try and accomplish!

  7. Spend more time outside. This is definitely not going to happen for the next few weeks (it’s freezing outside!) but once it gets warm out, I want to try and spend as much time outside as possible. Take advantage of the sunshine!

  8. Be more creative. During the past week of winter break, I’ve had a lot of free time and found my old Japanese designs coloring book. I forget how much I love being creative! So far I’ve been coloring, journaling, and I also made a new bulletin board with inspirational pictures! This year I want to paint, color, take more pictures, blog, read, just do more creative things!

  9. Truly make time for Christ every day. I want to set aside 20-30 minutes of every day for my devotions and really focus on my time in the Word. Sometimes I feel like I do a 5 minute devotion just to say I did it and get it over with, which isn’t growing my relationship with Him at all. I also want to take time to pray more every day!

  10. Lastly, I want to do something totally new and risky and unexpected. To take a leap and do something out of my normal routine!

I really want to try and accomplish all of these this year! I love a new year, a fresh start, and a chance to better myself and have new experiences!

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